
Sunday, 27 April 2014

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine And Women's Health

One of my favorite stories about the osteopathic treatment ( OMIT ) do is the story of a mother of three children who were struggling with problems of urinary frequency . This has been a problem for about 10 years and his life revolved around this problem. Directed in a downward spiral , I could not get a good night's sleep and I was afraid of driving long distances or even go to the movies . His life revolved around this problem and frustration mounted as he had been to all the specialists and tried
all the medicines your doctor has come up with no success. At that time , her doctor did not know and proposed a psychology reference or perhaps trial of surgery. The last station of medical strategy was adding salt to the wound , and the mother said that the problem was not psychological and feels frustrated that someone could suggest that your need to urinate more than twenty times per day was in his head.

Depressed, someone suggested trying to go to osteopathic medicine (MOM) specialist . Not sure what to expect, but feel as if there was nothing to lose, I decided to try osteopathic manipulation. After careful analysis, the doctor treated the patient organs , including the bladder , kidneys and Reuters, among other things, their symptoms significantly improved instantly . Over the next few weeks, his symptoms continued to improve until they are fully resolved. The next time I saw the doctor again a year later , asked how their bladder symptoms were . She looked puzzled and asked " what the symptoms of bladder ? " After saying some specialists resolved their symptoms, some of his doctors refused to believe that osteopathic manipulation played a role in its improvement.

Having been a medical student at the time, I can not take credit for this result. Davidson was Stephen Males, DO in Phoenix, Arizona. However, the reason for which I am very familiar with this patient because this patient was my mother. I was present for the special treatment and I know that the resolution of their symptoms is not by chance. It is this treatment that has stopped its downward spiral , and still leads a normal life. So what is osteopathic manipulation medicine ? Osteopathic medicine is a holistic approach to treatment that includes practical understanding that there is a close relationship between the structure and function of the body, the body functions as a unit and the body is a self- healing mechanism can . Osteopathic physicians are trained to treat all tissues of the body from head to toe.

Urinary problems can occur with women who have had children . I am not saying that all problems are solved with urinary frequency osteopathic manipulative medicine, as there are many different causes for the same. However , it may be worth trying when other conservative treatments have failed. In appropriate circumstances , osteopathic manipulation can be used to maximize organ function , hormonal balance and health. With a holistic approach to the entire body , which can be used to gently treat many health problems of women, the symptoms of MS , cramps, menstrual cramps and migraines related to periods, in addition to many other problems such as musculoskeletal pain

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